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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque
Jl. Gading No.2
For 15th century in Ming Dynasty (1368-1643) the Chinese from Yunan came to spread the Islam religion, especially in the Jawa. It would not to be deemed, The Admiral Cheng Hoo or Sam Poo Kong or Pompu Awang in 1410 and 1416 with his armada who landed in Simongan Beach, Semarang. Exceptly to become Yung Loo emperor delegate to visit the Majapahit King. He also was purpose to spread the Islam religion.

Interlaced with on the history, in Sunday, October 13, 2002, the dream come true. The chinese moslem have the mosque with the Chinese architecture, that it was built ini the areal of the East Java PITI (Pembina Imam Tauhid Indonesia) building, in Gading street No. 2 (The area of the building is in the back side of the Heroes cemetery at Kusuma Bangsa street). The mosque is given the name "Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque".

The wide of all mosque is measured at 21m x 11m with the primary building is measured at 11m x 9m. It also the 8 on the side of primary building. There are 3 measured or number is described: -the number 11 for the symbol of The Ka'bah was built; -The number 9 for the symbol of the mine saints; -The number 8 for the symbol of the Patwa (Lucky or victory in Chinese language). The capacity of the mosque are 200 people.

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